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January 12, 2007
Polar bears waiting for sea ice to form
What will people do? After the garden is gone What will people say? After the garden ...
Unfortunately, our "need" to "exploit" the resources of the world goes farther back than just the current age. In fact, it is almost Biblical in origen--the idea that man is superior to his environment and what is living in it, and that therefore, man should "subject" that environment. Therefore, we can take from the earth as we please--after all "God" commanded it, didn't he? Hence why I always favored looking at the environment from a Native American, or perhaps more generally, a "heathen" point of view. The idea of giving thanks for the gifts of this world and learning how to protect them rather than use them mercilessly to the point of no return and poisoining others with our constant need for resources without consequences.
interestingly enough, polar bears are good swimmers, so the bottom picture could actually make for a great video when it dives in and decides to attack a seal. those poor poor seals...getting exploited with no one to stand up for them...
This post breaks my heart. Thank you!
Excellent post indeed. Simply excellent
And it may be gone sooner than we think.
Unfortunately, our "need" to "exploit" the resources of the world goes farther back than just the current age. In fact, it is almost Biblical in origen--the idea that man is superior to his environment and what is living in it, and that therefore, man should "subject" that environment. Therefore, we can take from the earth as we please--after all "God" commanded it, didn't he? Hence why I always favored looking at the environment from a Native American, or perhaps more generally, a "heathen" point of view. The idea of giving thanks for the gifts of this world and learning how to protect them rather than use them mercilessly to the point of no return and poisoining others with our constant need for resources without consequences.
interestingly enough, polar bears are good swimmers, so the bottom picture could actually make for a great video when it dives in and decides to attack a seal. those poor poor seals...getting exploited with no one to stand up for them...
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