One of the most despicable individuals on the face of the earth (that's the guy who is praying to George HW Bush) is now under the earth. The path to salvation, not to speak of the path to glowing obituaries, is neither by faith nor by works. It is by sucking up to the Americans, mercilessly suppressing all dissent, and squandering the wealth of one's nation.
"The path to salvation, not to speak of the path to glowing obituaries, is neither by faith nor by works. It is by pandering to the suppliers of strategic commodities, mercilessly suppressing all dissent, and squandering the wealth of one's nation."
Hmm, that sounds about right.
mercilessly spressing all dissent...why does that sound familiar?
The familiarity is more than coincidental, Lew Scannon. For many decades, the US government has been in the business of training nationals of other countries in methods of repression, torture, and physical elimination of the opposition, through such venerable institutions as the School of Americas, the CIA, and so on.
I think you'd better be careful, Probligo. You sound more of a dialectical materialist than me ; )
Just discovered your blog. I find your writing very interesting!
"I think you'd better be careful, Probligo. You sound more of a dialectical materialist than me ; ) "
Al, sorry. It was a moment of total cynicism that led to that comment.
It went through my mind that the statement I quoted could (perhaps should) be applied to persons other than King Saud (may his soul have the repose that it deserves).
But then reality returns...
Your version of the statement, Probligo, and possibly even mine, can indeed most appropriately be applied to Dubya himself, as you may be hinting. He is planning to spend a trillion dollars on Star Wars. One likes to think of all the good that a trillion dollars could do. It could essentially solve all of the world's major problems. "But then reality returns," as you say. The name of the game isn't solving problems, is it?
Wouldn't you like to know who was having a worse time on the other side of the aisle - Barbara, or the guy sitting next to her?
I have posted up on the untimely death of Robin Cook.
In an article dated March 04 he said -
In truth we would have made more progress in rolling back support for terrorism if we had brought peace to Palestine rather than war to Iraq, but President Bush's promise that he would give priority to peace in the Middle East has become another of the commitments given before the invasion and broken in the year after it.
I do not believe that solutions to problems come from the barrel of a gun.
Dear Alien,
Whenever I think about the war in the Gulf I feel like something has been erased in my mind. Something I still cannot grasp is still in there waiting to be grasped. All I know is it will forever live in my memory as a milestone. I reacted very strangely when that war broke out. Even with six months warning and all that it was impending. I still held that it was a political play of some kind and everybody'd get out of it without too much mud on anybody's face. Then, at four o'clock on that particular afternoon (west coast time) the bombing started.
I'd never heard the word "sortie" before. I guess they used it in Vietnam but that was before I got here. I still haven't looked it up.
And I still have mud all over my face.
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